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Sculptural Objects

My work is inspired by things I see in the natural world and how others present their interpretations of it. I essence, I find inspiration in almost anything I see, and then store it in what I describe as the ‘cranial computer’. The brain is an incredibly complex and capable structure tat can either connect, process or delete or forget information as time goes by. In the meantime it makes the most diverse connections, drawing on images or thoughts from so long ago we seem to have forgotten, connecting them to thoughts and images of the most very recent moment… and a new concept is conceived…     Where do my ides come from… I don’t know… they are the result of everything I’ve experienced, both visually, tactically and aurally in my growing up, work as a teacher and travels. The process continues.    Any works in this gallery can be custom ordered.

Sibling Rivalry is an interpretation on the maternal quest to protect. Made of Blackwood and stands 400mm tall.

Emergence is made of Recycled Red Gum fence posts, and represents various stages of a seed pods' development.

Each piece is approximately 250mm long

Yarra Shields represent the role trees play in protecting our precious waterways. Made of River Red Gum which grow on the banks of the Yarra River in Melbourne. Each piece is approximately 1200mm long.

Bill 5 shows influences of sculptural forms witnessed during my travels through Eastern Africa. Made from Mountain Ash and stands approximately 500mm high. 

Focus 3 celebrates the beauty of imperfections found in various timbers. In this case I used Radiata pine mounted on a Jarrah frame. This piece measures 300mm high.

Tribal influences abound carved Red Gum forms,

stand 500mm high approximately.

Ash Pod made during my residency at the Centre for Art in Wood in Philadelphia stands approximately 750mm tall.

Ash Wednesday represents natures recovery after the devastating bush-fires in South Eastern Australia of February 1983. Made from Salvaged Red gum and stands approximately 500mm tall. 

Rose Wood revelation measures approximately 280mm long.

Red Gum family made of Recycled Red gum fence posts with the tallest item being 250mm.

'Rhythms', Gelutong and Jarrah measuring 350mm in width.

© 2017

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